The Islamic religious frontrunners contended that the attitude of Muslims is in contradiction of graven metaphors of any religious figure, including Moses, Jesus, the Prophet of Islam among others, but it is also one of the foremost basics of Islam not to commit violence or attacks, as these obsessive assassins were not retaliating the Prophet. These carnages and the accompanying discussion about anti- Islamic cartoons had elevated an elusive query of free speech among the U.S. Muslims, who may feel independently upset by such caricatures but also live in a culture where freedom of speech is an elementary legal right as they witnessed that the Prophet Mohammad had reacted to abuses and invectives with forgiveness (clemency), tolerance, and prayer (mercy). In a secure stable state, social awareness is a requirement to emerging a functional system and this awareness is encompassed of public knowledge of the law (legal literacy), efficacy of the law to access justice and build civil order (legal mobilization), and evolving the values, approaches, and behaviors towards law (legal socialization). These cornerstones are all lacking in the Middle East. So, it seems that the Middle East may need to back-track to move forward. Launching the very basics of modern society (social contract, elementary literacy, with education are quite indispensable chief footsteps. It is a blatant realism. Middle Eastern and Arab countries cannot build prosperous systems without having the productive soil of an educated community along with changing cultural traditions and paranoia, then and only then, can the process of maintainable development and improvement start and activate.
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