The Inescapable Radiality of Food and the Impossibility of Environmental ‘Restoration’

Though issues such as climate change, environmental protection and food security are often siloed in academic and political discussions, this essay moves from the premise that it is not meaningful to treat them as separate categories. Using the recently passed EU “Nature Restoration Law” as a springboard, the argument will…

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L’islām, i diritti, la rete. Agenda digitale e cyber Ummah

As prompted by the UN sustainable development goals, and further boosted by the pandemic crisis, the progressive digitalization has been presented as an effective means to handle everyday complexities. The unstoppable cyber-oriented paradigm shift is facilitated by an increasingly web-literate society and it impacts on European institutions and religious communities…

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Waqf, evoluzione tecnologica, innovazione finanziaria. Un’analisi comparatistica

Entrepreneurs of the Islamic faith seeking alternative financing options aligned with their beliefs can access new models in line with their ethical and religious objectives, as well as traditional financial instruments. This essay aims to investigate the use of waqf-based crowdfunding, illustrating how it is possible to finance business development…

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Un ambiente ‘preterintenzionale’? Radici del dualismo soggettivo/oggettivo nella transizione ecologica europea (Un’indagine etno-giuridica nell’immaginario ortodosso della Romania rurale)

This study explores the role of intention as a pivotal principle in the perception and application of concepts such as ‘justice’ and ‘sustainability’ within rural communities during the European energy transition. Through an ethnographic survey I personally conducted in 2023 among Christian Orthodox communities in rural Romania, I investigated the…

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Christians’ Divisions, Fragmented Marriage. Historical roots and contemporary frontiers of the marital bond in Orthodox, Protestant and Anglican legal systems

The many pressures to which the marital bond (as well as the notion of family itself) is subjected today often lead scholars and legal practitioners to question its constituent components. In this sense, an essential – even though often underestimated – element needed to understand this institution in our legal…

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City Portraits. Considerations on religious Otherness and buildings of worship between intercultural legal spaces and new semantic mappings

Starting from a study of the semiotic concept of the city as a closed text, stratified and negotiated by its inhabitants, this contribution focuses on the aedes sacrae as monument-logos that reflect the different cultural- religious identities that nowadays populate modern post-secular cities. Subsequently, moving from the phenomena of ‘spatial…

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Libertà religiosa ai ‘fischietti’. Il ruolo dell’arbitro nel contrasto tra regolamenti sportivi e precetti religiosi

Sports are subject to the principle of regulatory autonomy. It allows sports institutions to introduce rules independently of state law, as long as their fundamental principles are not violated. These rules, inspired by the principle of neutrality of the playing field, may conflict with religious precepts that guide faithful-athletes in…

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L’eterno ritorno dell’uguale? La poligamia nello spazio giuridico contemporaneo. Tra identità religiosa e (nuove) istanze di legittimazione

In several Islamic-majority states, the Qur’anic precept allowing polygynous union has been translated within the various codifications relating to personal status. The ‘polygynous option’ has thus become one of the permissible ways of institutionalizing an affective bond. While this choice represents an entirely permissible option in such contexts, in our…

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Itinerari teorici in Maurice Hauriou tra istituzione, transazione e circolarità ermeneutica

This article aims to analyze some specific elements of Maurice Hauriou’s institutionalist theory. Dealing with Hauriou is an opportunity to discuss once again the philosophical-legal aspects that shape the backbone of traditional legal institutionalism and to reconsider the theoretical sources Hauriou may have drawn on. In the three genealogical itineraries…

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