Starting from an examination of the political-theological meanings of Ravenna mosaics, in the light of that fruitful liaison between faith and art that embellishes the texture of some significant magisterial pronouncements, this contribution will first examine art. 6 of the Urbani Code, highlighting how the use of modern digital tools has helped to emphasize the intersections between use and enhancement of cultural heritage. Subsequently, starting from the importance of sight in the enjoyment of works of art in general, and mosaic ones in particular, we will try to open up new paths that, far from privileging the visual dimension as the only interpretative code, can lay the foundations for a new synaesthetic approach for the artistic good. In this sense, an experience of multisensory visit to the mausoleum of Galla Placidia will be presented, trying to demonstrate how the use of a haptic device, combined with a suggestive acoustic stimulation, can create an intenerarium stuporis both for people with visual impairments and for the ‘able-bodied’. The extensive illustration of the project will be preceded by a brief study on the functioning of haptic interfaces and their characteristics.
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