This article tries to propose and exercise a graphical perspective as a critique of the theoretical normativity inherent in the philosophy of law. Philosophy of law is placed in a tradition or interweaving of graphic practices: writing, alphabet, text, grammar, etc. This ideal and potentially abysmal genealogy takes form as an exercise (Sini) aimed at grasping in each new practice the leap of perspective on the world, that is, the point of emergence of the world for man: what is here interpreted normatively.
Through Ong, Havelock, Svenbro, Illich, Auroux a partial genealogy of our theoretical practice is exercised. The authors are then discussed with reference to the positivization of the norm and its retroversion: what allows a graphical critique of the oral/written, custom/law dichotomies. The normativity of practice is thus interpreted as a configuration (Robilant) of the world, that is, as its de-cision (Sini). Finally, the practise of philosophy of law – the critical and defining proceeding aimed at corresponding to the norm – is recognised as always already normed: what we propose to see as a nomic-graphical custom. In this nomic paradox of the philosophy of law we see a philosophical privilege.
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