Shylock del Bengala. Debiti migratori, vite in ostaggio e diritto d’asilo

AbstractThe essay addresses the relationships, often tragically interwoven, extant between migration debts and asylum applications. This topic is approached in a multidisciplinary way, so as to generate a convergence of legal and anthropological skillsets. The inquiry relies upon field research carried out among Bangladeshi asylum seekers in Italy.Through an intercultural…

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Notariato e diritto interculturale. Un viaggio giuridico-antropologico tra i notai d’Italia

This essay incorporates the results of an ethnographic-legal investigation promoted by the “Accademia del Notariato” and carried out among a sample of Italian notaries in order to identify issues that arise when legal assistance, particularly from notaries, is provided to foreign clients. The methodological approach applied consists of qualitative research….

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