Il ritmo giuridico delle processioni religiose. Riflessioni critiche a margine di una recente e ancipite sentenza in materia di turbatio sacrorum (Cass. pen., III, 2242/2022)

Article 405 of Italian Criminal Code penalizes the volunteer disruption or prevention of religious services, ceremonies or practices performed by a religious minister in a place of worship or in a public open place open to the public. The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, with an innovative ruling, qualified as…

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Pluralismo giuridico e storicità del diritto. Per una implementazione dell’Indice Semantico del Lessico Giuridico Italiano

This paper offers some proposals for a reasoned implementation of the IS-LeGI database. Starting from the 35,000 terms of the Lessico Giuridico Italiano (LGI) database, an index of words has been found that could be seen as a new thematic section of the IS-LeGI database. A review of the words, and therefore…

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Eracle sulle rive dell’Oxus. L’ellenismo orientale e la sfida dell’interculturalità alle origini delle ‘Vie della Seta’. Un approccio filosofico-giuridico e sociologico-politico

Engaging a multidisciplinary approach, this essay examines a  (chrono)topical moment for the development of a peculiar web of multi-layered interactions later identified by the evocative name, ‘Silk Road(s)’. We explore how this spontaneous and sporadic interaction turns into an opportunity for a political project. Our focus is the late development of Eastern Hellenism, a period of unusual vitality and transformation,…

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Multisensorialità, Religione, Diritto. Nuove frontiere di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale ravennate

Starting from an examination of the political-theological meanings of Ravenna mosaics, in the light of that fruitful liaison between faith and art that embellishes the texture of some significant magisterial pronouncements, this contribution will first examine art. 6 of the Urbani Code, highlighting how the use of modern digital tools…

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“Sumer, la tua giusta sapienza, in cui gli dèi furono generati, è inattingibile come il cielo”. Il millennio sumerico: l’invenzione della scrittura e la seconda demiurgia

Since the beginning of its history, Mesopotamia has been a multilingual (bilingual from a literary point of view) and multicultural land. Despite its long life as well as the several linguistic and cultural differences swarming inside it, the Mesopotamian civilization was made homogeneous by the persistence of its writing system…

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Verità digitale. Dalle fake news all’alfabetismo informativo

The paper illustrates the relationship between fake news, critical thinking and digital literacy and offers some reflections on the illusory effect of truth generated by misinformation in today’s digital platform society. In the second part, the contribution identifies technological solutions to address digital and functional illiteracy through a new civic…

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Note celestiali. La libertà religiosa sul pentagramma: istruzioni per l’uso e diritto d’autore

Music is a powerful ‘symbolon’ that unites people. It is also a vehicle for the transmission of religious cultures and traditions. Among the arts music, more than other creative forms, allows people to express their religiosity. It is the ultimate instrument for connecting with God, for manifesting one’s religious belonging,…

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Il diritto o il Paradiso? Un dialogo con Tommaso Greco sulla generatività della fiducia e sul significato pro-fattivo del diritto

The essay addresses the issue of trust across the spectrum, as it were, of a recent book focusing on the role of trust in public life and, allegedly, within the legal experience. Using ‘trust’ as a sort of keyhole through which to take an oblique look at legal experience and…

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