This essay examines the Italian Cassation Court Ordinance of 17 April 2020 – concerning the recognition of the right to distribute publlicity (‘propaganda’) as claimed by the UAAR (Unione degli atei e degli agnostici razionalisti/Union of Atheists and Rational Agnostics), in accordance with Article 19 of the Italian Constitution. Specifically, the municipality of Verona rejected a request made by the UAAR to post ten posters bearing the word ‘Dio’ (God), abbreviated using the letter ‘D’ and featuring a crucifix and the text, “10 million Italians live well without D. and when they are discriminated against, UAAR is by their side”, because it considered the content of the communication to be harmful to all religions. The denial of the request to post was confirmed by both the Court of First Instance and by the Court of Appeal of Rome.
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