Il Sabato, Babele e la traduzione

Is there a link between the Sabbath, inaction, and translation? And, again, between the Sabbath and the rhythm of relations with Otherness? This short essay seeks to probe, from a semi-anthropological perspective, the ternary relationship between three cultural categories/archetypes: the ‘Sabbath,’ ‘Babel,’ and ‘Otherness,’ respectively. ‘Translation’ is treated as the…

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Abitare il sacro e diritto alla città. Percorsi di costruzione della soggettività giuridica: da clandestini a cittadini attraverso le chiese cristiano-ortodosse

This essay offers an interdisciplinary analysis that investigates the connections between religious freedom, the regulation of places of worship, migration phenomena also in relation to the experience of work, and the protection of fundamental personal rights. All of these are analyzed focusing on the processes of the construction of legal…

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Incontri mancati: de Vitoria e de Mariana non arrivano a Gaza

While foreign policy and international affairs are increasingly showing a new kind of worldwide tension, the legal reflections on concepts such as ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ wars seem to have attracted a deeper level of attention. The most common conclusion is that an accepted system of interstate regulation has failed to…

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È Festa per Tutti (?) Diritto alla festa religiosa, parità tra studenti nella scuola e prospettive di intervento normativo.

The Italian Constitution recognises every student’s equal enjoyment of religious holidays as a content of religious freedom, but the school calendar only respects the Catholic holidays. The suspension of teaching on public holidays of other religions is rare and linked to the autonomy of schools. On the other hand, the…

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The Inescapable Radiality of Food and the Impossibility of Environmental ‘Restoration’

Though issues such as climate change, environmental protection and food security are often siloed in academic and political discussions, this essay moves from the premise that it is not meaningful to treat them as separate categories. Using the recently passed EU “Nature Restoration Law” as a springboard, the argument will…

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