Abitare il sacro e diritto alla città. Percorsi di costruzione della soggettività giuridica: da clandestini a cittadini attraverso le chiese cristiano-ortodosse

This essay offers an interdisciplinary analysis that investigates the connections between religious freedom, the regulation of places of worship, migration phenomena also in relation to the experience of work, and the protection of fundamental personal rights. All of these are analyzed focusing on the processes of the construction of legal…

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Un ambiente ‘preterintenzionale’? Radici del dualismo soggettivo/oggettivo nella transizione ecologica europea (Un’indagine etno-giuridica nell’immaginario ortodosso della Romania rurale)

This study explores the role of intention as a pivotal principle in the perception and application of concepts such as ‘justice’ and ‘sustainability’ within rural communities during the European energy transition. Through an ethnographic survey I personally conducted in 2023 among Christian Orthodox communities in rural Romania, I investigated the…

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