Pluralismo giuridico e storicità del diritto. Per una implementazione dell’Indice Semantico del Lessico Giuridico Italiano

This paper offers some proposals for a reasoned implementation of the IS-LeGI database. Starting from the 35,000 terms of the Lessico Giuridico Italiano (LGI) database, an index of words has been found that could be seen as a new thematic section of the IS-LeGI database. A review of the words, and therefore…

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La lingua del diritto e i mutamenti sociali e culturali. Un’analisi sul termine ‘cittadinanza’

This paper investigates the changing and varied meanings of the term ‘citizenship’ over time based on an analysis of resources culled from a legal database containing both historical and contemporary juridical documents. We have analysed the semantic evolution of the concept of citizenship using legal language as the central point…

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