Homo Religiosus in a Globalized World. Why Religious Individuals are Actors of Global Law

Religious institutions are players of transnational dynamics and influence the transformations of law, at a global level. Moreover, some worldwide religions gave rise to legal systems (Canon Law, Jewish Law, Islamic Law, Hindu Law, etc.) that interacted (and continue to interact) with the secular law of the states. Taking into…

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Lo stran(ier)o imprenditore. Per una lettura interculturale dell’art. 2082 del codice civile italiano

Art. 2082 of the Italian Civil Code defines the “entrepreneur” as a person who carries out an economic activity organized for the purpose of producing or exchanging goods or services professionally. In so doing, the Civil Code describes a functional role, but leaves the “living” person apart. The Italian legislator…

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Overpopulation and Sacred Law: The Wisdom of Islam and the Demographic Politics of Islamic Republic of Iran

Overpopulation is one of the most serious issues impacting both the present day and the future. It is closely connected to ecological perspectives on human life on Earth. However, the “reproductive mission” of humankind has constituted a biological and moral imperative in all cultures and especially in the Abrahamic monotheisms…

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Migrazioni e soggettività diasporica. Riflessioni a margine della mudawwanah marocchina

Islamic jurisprudence can guarantee respect for the religious tradition as well as the renewal of modern society in many ways. The Moroccan codification of 2004 (mudawwanah: literally “code”) can be considered a step toward the implementation of human rights within the civil code framework. Among the goals of the reform…

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Un diritto per Altri-Noi. Trasfigurazioni coloniali e traduzione interculturale nell’esperienza giuridica italiana

The Italian colonial enterprise, including its legal efforts, was notably transient and disorganized, especially when compared to its European counterparts. As a result, Italian legal professionals working in the colonies were compelled to develop their own—often original and creative—legal approaches in managing the complex relationships between legal authorities and colonial…

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Deontologie religiose, cultura economica e rapporti contrattuali. Riflessioni a proposito dei processi di negoziazione

While Italian and Islamic economic and legal systems may appear to be so different as to be inconsonant, recent studies in religion and economics offer a new perspective. Particularly in light of globalization trends, contractual negotiations within civil law illuminate some interesting possibilities for interaction and creative negotiation between these…

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The Rest and the West. The Legacy of Constantine’s Rules concerning the Dies Dominica: Anthropological Notes

Europe today is supposed to be a multicultural society in which diversities can coexist within a multicultural public sphere. But the realization of this objective requires new forms of legal equality and traditions of justice which are the main keys of understanding the demands of recognition that rise from the…

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