Lo spazio religioso dell’azione economica. L’offerta bancaria e il metaprofit incontrano la confessionalità

Still today, the principles of general economic theories do not take in any way into consideration the impact of religious affiliations on economic market systems and on rational consumption patterns.However, one must not forget that every economic model is also a product of the human kind and for this reason…

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Deontologie religiose, cultura economica e rapporti contrattuali. Riflessioni a proposito dei processi di negoziazione

While Italian and Islamic economic and legal systems may appear to be so different as to be inconsonant, recent studies in religion and economics offer a new perspective. Particularly in light of globalization trends, contractual negotiations within civil law illuminate some interesting possibilities for interaction and creative negotiation between these…

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The Right to Peace and the Globalization of Infinite War: A Dialogue with Susan Petrilli

The cultural and political climate as well as the values that inspired the Helsinki Final Act of 1975 belong to a distant past. The Gulf War of 1991, which introduced the concept of “just and necessary war,” marks a watershed between the Helsinki Final Act, which interdicts war as a…

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A Modest Proposal: An Overgrown Constitutional Path to Cultural/Religious Pluralism in Italy

This essay comprises two sections.The first one presents and explains the proposal to broaden the meaning and scope of “intese” (agreements) between the State and minority denominations. “Broadened intese” is the label employed here to define the attempt to align the “intese” with both the generally pluralistic aspirations of the…

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Seconde generazioni, interazione interculturale e diritto. Percorsi d’indagine tra difficoltà e opportunità delle appartenenze “multiple”

The main purpose of this essay is to analyze the experience of the second generation of migrants to Italy from an intercultural perspective. By capturing their life plots within the wider framework of migration, the enquiry focuses on the opportunities, difficulties and significancies held within the stories they live. Both…

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Klee’s Cognitive Legacy and Human Rights as Intercultural Transducers: Modern Art, Legal Translation, and Micro-spaces of Coexistence

The essay addresses the issue concerning intercultural translation and its relationship with human rights. This matter is analyzed by taking human rights as interfaces of metaphorical intercultural “transduction” rather than as parameters to assess the lawfulness of people’s behaviors or their legal systems of belonging. Such an approach is in…

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