Corpo e differenza culturale. I. L’articolo 5 del codice civile italiano nello specchio della tradizione giuridica occidentale

This paper offers the first partial result of a two-person research project which attempts to combine a comparative and economic analysis of law with an intercultural law approach. The paper focuses on Article 5 of the Italian civil code which governs the dispositions of the human body and considers it…

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Le comunità intenzionali e i dilemmi della giuridificazione. Un approccio interculturale al riconoscimento normativo dell’identità comunitaria

Intentional communities are voluntary residential communities designed to actualize forms of daily living and ways of sharing that had been thought lost to modern societies. Despite their growing popularity, in most legal orders they do not yet have legal rights. Though these communities often demonstrate a natural tendency to close…

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Overpopulation and Sacred Law: The Wisdom of Islam and the Demographic Politics of Islamic Republic of Iran

Overpopulation is one of the most serious issues impacting both the present day and the future. It is closely connected to ecological perspectives on human life on Earth. However, the “reproductive mission” of humankind has constituted a biological and moral imperative in all cultures and especially in the Abrahamic monotheisms…

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L’utilizzo delle religioni nel marketing d’impresa. Profili di tutela giuridica

Religion and economy together constitute the broadest religious marketing system. Everyday the believer, influenced by his/her religion, makes choices that respect the fideistic precepts in which he/she finds himself/herself reflected. Thus, for many years, companies have produced goods and services that are religiously oriented. In this way, the believer-consumer receives…

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