Futile Otherness: Religion and Culture vs. Futile Motives in Criminal Law

Within Italian criminal law, the category of motive entitled motivi futili, or futile motives, is used as an evaluation standard in determining an increase in the severity of a penalty for a crime committed, not unlike the designation ‘aggravated’ in common law systems. An application of the penalty means that…

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ADR, valori ebraici e interfacce di traduzione tra universi di giustizia. Giudici, avvocati e uso interculturale degli strumenti processuali

The hypertrophic growth of legal litigation has slowed Italian justice, increasing the risk of ineffectiveness of the law. This phenomenon has been opposed, in counter-reaction, by a cultural change which has resulted in the implementation of several conciliatory remedies, particularly in civil litigation law. The importance of these remedies, however,…

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Un’analisi comparata dell’associazionismo sovranazionale. Modelli d’alleanze intra-UE e partenariati di vicinato

The contribution compares the main intra-EU alliances, partnerships, and overall EU region with that of African and Asian countries of the Mediterranean area. Differing geopolitical frameworks based on the national or supranational regulatory models in force result in very different outcomes for the associations. Having recognized the success of the…

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La lingua del diritto e i mutamenti sociali e culturali. Un’analisi sul termine ‘cittadinanza’

This paper investigates the changing and varied meanings of the term ‘citizenship’ over time based on an analysis of resources culled from a legal database containing both historical and contemporary juridical documents. We have analysed the semantic evolution of the concept of citizenship using legal language as the central point…

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Il diritto a imparare il diritto. Cultura della cittadinanza e istruzione giuridica nelle scuole superiori

The pandemic has mercilessly highlighted deficits in Italian high schools, but it has been a long time since students, teachers, school staff and other stakeholders asked for decisive innovation. In this paper, this drive for change will be studied in terms of renovation in light of the fundamental axes of…

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Digital Personhood, Time, Religion: The Right to Be Forgotten and the Legal Implications of the Soul/Body Debate

This paper addresses questions of legal personhood that have been coming to the fore in European courts in recent years through what has been termed the “Right to Be Forgotten.” These cases center around conflicts between the permanence of online information and the desire of users to instead make their…

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Lo stran(ier)o imprenditore. Per una lettura interculturale dell’art. 2082 del codice civile italiano

Art. 2082 of the Italian Civil Code defines the “entrepreneur” as a person who carries out an economic activity organized for the purpose of producing or exchanging goods or services professionally. In so doing, the Civil Code describes a functional role, but leaves the “living” person apart. The Italian legislator…

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Culture, Religion, and the New Geographies of Law: Troubling Takedowns in ‘Ewa Glawischnig-Piesczek v. Facebook Ireland Ltd’

From the right to information to the right to privacy, from freedom of expression to protection from defamation, online conflicts are troubling private entities and jurists alike, particularly as the ever-increasing spread of global communications changes the meaning and impact of territories and jurisdiction. Beneath the hubbub runs a babbling…

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