Overpopulation and Sacred Law: The Wisdom of Islam and the Demographic Politics of Islamic Republic of Iran

Overpopulation is one of the most serious issues impacting both the present day and the future. It is closely connected to ecological perspectives on human life on Earth. However, the “reproductive mission” of humankind has constituted a biological and moral imperative in all cultures and especially in the Abrahamic monotheisms…

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L’utilizzo delle religioni nel marketing d’impresa. Profili di tutela giuridica

Religion and economy together constitute the broadest religious marketing system. Everyday the believer, influenced by his/her religion, makes choices that respect the fideistic precepts in which he/she finds himself/herself reflected. Thus, for many years, companies have produced goods and services that are religiously oriented. In this way, the believer-consumer receives…

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Restorative Justice and Ancestral ‘Good Living’: The Case of the Arhuaco

This article investigates the intercultural relationship between Western society and indigenous society. This is the result of two workshops with members of indigenous peoples in Bogota and with Arhuaco indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the villages of Nabusímake and Simanorua. This article argues that despite…

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Machiavelli, Chisciotte e i mondi plurimi. Idealità, contraddizione e conoscenza nell’antropologia politica proto-moderna

Machiavelli is considered the historical champion of political efficiency. His thought is traditionally depicted as a pendulum balancing ethical standards and pragmatic exigencies, but which ends up unevenly oscillating towards the second pole. A good deal of cynicism is assumed as the price for the foundation of an objectified political…

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Lo straniero errante. Il kirpan e le ragioni dell’“errore” dei Sikh

Recent judicial proceedings involving members of the Sikh community offer the opportunity to reflect on the approach employed by Italian jurisprudence towards “new” manifestations of religious freedom in the ever-changing national social context. The judges have determined that public carry of the kirpan, a symbol that is integral to the…

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Filiazione, storia e cultura. Per un’analisi retrospettiva delle relazioni interculturali fra tradizione giuridica canonistica e diritto civile italiano in materia di famiglia

The aim of this essay is to analyze the topic of filiation considering both canonical and Italian private law perspectives. The distinction of differing types and categories of filiation is traditionally regarded as the most efficacious hermeneutic way to enforce the role of marriage in regulating family relationships. This well-established…

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Sharing economy ovvero il frutto avvelenato del neoliberismo

The sharing economy likes to present itself as a new economic model, markedly different from the traditional market economy, and scrupulous in its devotion to collaboration, improved resource management, and social solidarity. The word “sharing” points at exactly these values. Nevertheless, and in spite of its self-promotion—very much reflected in…

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Knowing How to “Make” Intercultural Diplomacy

Intercultural Diplomacy embodies the richest part of the possibilities offered by international relations (public and private) through dialogue, kind assertiveness, and truthfulness. It means identifying potential syntheses between different cultures and working together with the aim of rediscovering oneself in the Other, living purposefully in the Other, accepting oneself and…

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