Modern contract law attempts to balance the informational and material asymmetries between contracting parties. In Western legal systems, these strategies aimed towards fairness have been effective in facilitating the circulation and the redistribution of assets. If we look at the issues brought forth by Islamic communities within non-Islamic constitutional systems, it is possible to claim that similar instances of contractual fairness and social justice have been prevalent in Arab-Islamic legal regimes as well. These processes of conceptual elaboration have had a tremendous influence on doctrinal interpretations, jurisdictional solutions and commonly observed praxes. The aim of this essay is to concretely demonstrate how the protection of these heterogeneous demands did not determine contract law paradigms that were incompatible with European civil disciplines, quite the opposite; within an intercultural process of cross-translation of semantic differences, Islamic financial transactions and their related legal types seem to imply analogous positions rather than divergent and persistent risks of abuses and inter partes conflicts.
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