Restorative Justice and Ancestral ‘Good Living’: The Case of the Arhuaco

This article investigates the intercultural relationship between Western society and indigenous society. This is the result of two workshops with members of indigenous peoples in Bogota and with Arhuaco indigenous people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, in the villages of Nabusímake and Simanorua. This article argues that despite…

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Machiavelli, Chisciotte e i mondi plurimi. Idealità, contraddizione e conoscenza nell’antropologia politica proto-moderna

Machiavelli is considered the historical champion of political efficiency. His thought is traditionally depicted as a pendulum balancing ethical standards and pragmatic exigencies, but which ends up unevenly oscillating towards the second pole. A good deal of cynicism is assumed as the price for the foundation of an objectified political…

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Sharing economy ovvero il frutto avvelenato del neoliberismo

The sharing economy likes to present itself as a new economic model, markedly different from the traditional market economy, and scrupulous in its devotion to collaboration, improved resource management, and social solidarity. The word “sharing” points at exactly these values. Nevertheless, and in spite of its self-promotion—very much reflected in…

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Migrazioni e soggettività diasporica. Riflessioni a margine della mudawwanah marocchina

Islamic jurisprudence can guarantee respect for the religious tradition as well as the renewal of modern society in many ways. The Moroccan codification of 2004 (mudawwanah: literally “code”) can be considered a step toward the implementation of human rights within the civil code framework. Among the goals of the reform…

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Un diritto per Altri-Noi. Trasfigurazioni coloniali e traduzione interculturale nell’esperienza giuridica italiana

The Italian colonial enterprise, including its legal efforts, was notably transient and disorganized, especially when compared to its European counterparts. As a result, Italian legal professionals working in the colonies were compelled to develop their own—often original and creative—legal approaches in managing the complex relationships between legal authorities and colonial…

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Magia, la fede illegale. Religiosità folk e controllo sociale tra passato e presente

This study investigates the relationship between the dominant religious culture (and thus the political powers that simultaneously support and are conditioned by it, to varying degrees) and the practice of witchcraft and black and white magic in Europe, both in the past (the Spanish Inquisition is used as an example)…

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The Ambivalent Roots of Charity and Their Consequences in a Secularized World: A Survey Across the Three Monotheistic Religions of the Abrahamic Strain

In this essay I address the meaning and functions of charity in contemporary secularized democracies against the background of its plural roots in the three monotheistic religions, namely Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The legacy of these different traditions seems to be ambivalent in itself, even more so when it is…

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The Rest and the West. The Legacy of Constantine’s Rules concerning the Dies Dominica: Anthropological Notes

Europe today is supposed to be a multicultural society in which diversities can coexist within a multicultural public sphere. But the realization of this objective requires new forms of legal equality and traditions of justice which are the main keys of understanding the demands of recognition that rise from the…

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