Fenomenologia del sacro e filogenesi del soggetto di diritto. Sui sentieri antropologico-culturali della capacità giuridica

This essay analyzes the genetic paths of Western legal subjectivity within the semantic spectrum of legal capacity. In turn, the historical transfigurations of legal capacity are traced by probing their phylogenetic connections—as it were—with the phenomenology of the sacred. To this end, the investigation unfolds through three basic articulations: a)…

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Clashing Overpopulation(s): The Religious, the Secular, and the Unnatural “Conception” of Human Multitudes with Rights

Overpopulation is a fraught concept because it immediately involves several competing ideas. First, the primary objectives of the human race vis a vis reproduction. Second, conflicting ecological understandings of the planet and the human impact on it, and finally, complex contradictions regarding what humans can and should “do” about all…

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Magia, la fede illegale. Religiosità folk e controllo sociale tra passato e presente

This study investigates the relationship between the dominant religious culture (and thus the political powers that simultaneously support and are conditioned by it, to varying degrees) and the practice of witchcraft and black and white magic in Europe, both in the past (the Spanish Inquisition is used as an example)…

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Lo spazio religioso dell’azione economica. L’offerta bancaria e il metaprofit incontrano la confessionalità

Still today, the principles of general economic theories do not take in any way into consideration the impact of religious affiliations on economic market systems and on rational consumption patterns.However, one must not forget that every economic model is also a product of the human kind and for this reason…

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Law, Religions and Food Choices

In today’s multicultural society, religious freedom must also be guaranteed within food-use patterns. The Milan Charter (Expo 2015) focuses specifically on this issue. Each person has the right to determine his diet according to his lifestyle and his cultural and religious identity. The right to feed oneself according to one’s…

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