Intercultural Education: What Is Called for? A Comparison of European and Latin-America Experiences

Intercultural education policy has emerged as an alternative to both assimilationism and multiculturalism. While multiculturalism emphasizes the cultural identity of social groups, somehow crystallizing their characteristics, interculturalism is based on a different understanding: it favors mutual dialogue and it assumes that the cultural identity of an individual cannot be equated…

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Towards a Different Understanding of Legal Traditions. Comparative Law Insights

In the legal field, the definition of the term ‘tradition’ suffers from heterogeneous understandings. These epistemological difficulties hint at one of the determinants of the definition of ‘legal tradition’, namely, an appeal to predominantly endogenous cultural aspects and not purely legal forms of legitimacy in the narrow sense. ‘Tradition’ and…

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Dieta e ordine giuridico-morale secondo Maometto. Cibo halal e tutela del consumatore

The essay analyzes how the consumption of halal food, or Sharì‘a-compliant products more generally, today goes beyond the faith requirements that predominantly characterize the Muslim consumer. A true halal lifestyle is emerging, which could help strengthen European intercultural dialogue by linking it to both the logic of law and the…

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Within the interdisciplinary project “Interculturalism: A Comparative Lexicon”, this article aims to analyse the concept of multiculturalism from an anthropological perspective. To do so, the article first focuses on the ways in which multicultural policies have been implemented in different Latin American countries, particularly with regard to indigenous peoples. It…

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I fogli informativi delle banche italiane: tra comprensibilità e chiarezza, tra linguistica e diritto

This study is in the area of forensic linguistics that aims to make legal documents understandable, readable and complete. The starting point of this analysis is the well-known but still unresolved problem of complexity and lack of clarity of bank information sheets offered to consumers, as such stemming from the…

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Giustificati motivi per essere madre (?). Per una lettura interculturale di maternità, lavoro e appartenenza religiosa

This essay addresses the issue of motherhood in workplaces from the somewhat novel perspective of the effective enjoyment of religious freedom. The argumentative axis of the considerations proposed here is an attempt to show how the widespread and almost tangible failure of the employment law policies, variously designed to close…

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Nomografie. Per un approccio grafico al diritto

This article tries to propose and exercise a graphical perspective as a critique of the theoretical normativity inherent in the philosophy of law. Philosophy of law is placed in a tradition or interweaving of graphic practices: writing, alphabet, text, grammar, etc. This ideal and potentially abysmal genealogy takes form as…

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Intangible Heritage Law and Epistemic (In)justice: The participation of communities, groups, and individuals in safeguarding ICH

Taking into consideration the enactment of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003, and the provision for the participation of communities, groups and individuals, this article aims to critically analyse the interactions between the right to intangible cultural heritage safeguard with the theory of justice, especially…

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I multiformi confini dell’esperienza matrimoniale e familiare. Gli orizzonti cultuali e culturali dei New Religious Movements

The essay addresses marriage and related family dynamics within three new religious movements: Bahá’í, the Unification Church, and Scientology. For each of the three religious groups, an overview necessary for understanding the norms and reasons behind some definitely unique cult practices related to the celebration of marriage has been provided….

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Interculturalism, a comparative lexicon. Editorial introduction.

This special issue, “Interculturalism: A Comparative Lexicon”, has emerged from an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers involved in the Prin 2017 project, “From Legal Pluralism to the Intercultural State. Personal Law, Exceptions to General Rules and Imperative Limits in the European Legal Space”. The project further evolved at the 23rd International…

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