La vita eterna digitale (digital afterlife) tra diritto civile e ordinamenti religiosi

Legal systems are traditionally responsible for handling the devolution of assets following the death of a natural person (succession, inheritance). In the digital world, a universe of data relating to the deceased reverberates, managed by various providers on the basis of instructions received during the life of the subject, or…

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Fede interdetta? L’esercizio della libertà religiosa collettiva durante l’emergenza COVID-19: attualità e prospettive

In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, the government and local authorities have adopted measures which restrict religious freedom. The Italian authorities have imposed urgent and binding ordinances suspending all religious ceremonies, and have limited access to places of worship. These measures are justified by an emergency decree aimed at the…

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Diritto Religioni Culture. La preparazione del giurista alle sfide della società contemporanea

Law is a constitutive element of social life.The cultural and religious pluralism of contemporary societies raises issues related to encounters between people belonging to different cultures or religions. To solve the consequent problems we have to become able to manage the inevitable “cultural shock” that can derive from such situation….

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Law, Religions and Food Choices

In today’s multicultural society, religious freedom must also be guaranteed within food-use patterns. The Milan Charter (Expo 2015) focuses specifically on this issue. Each person has the right to determine his diet according to his lifestyle and his cultural and religious identity. The right to feed oneself according to one’s…

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