Incontri mancati: de Vitoria e de Mariana non arrivano a Gaza

While foreign policy and international affairs are increasingly showing a new kind of worldwide tension, the legal reflections on concepts such as ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ wars seem to have attracted a deeper level of attention. The most common conclusion is that an accepted system of interstate regulation has failed to…

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Trame evolutive e proiezioni interculturali nel diritto islamico. Precontrattualità, intersoggettività, istanze di universalizzazione

Modern contract law attempts to balance the informational and material asymmetries between contracting parties. In Western legal systems, these strategies aimed towards fairness have been effective in facilitating the circulation and the redistribution of assets. If we look at the issues brought forth by Islamic communities within non-Islamic constitutional systems,…

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Filiazione, storia e cultura. Per un’analisi retrospettiva delle relazioni interculturali fra tradizione giuridica canonistica e diritto civile italiano in materia di famiglia

The aim of this essay is to analyze the topic of filiation considering both canonical and Italian private law perspectives. The distinction of differing types and categories of filiation is traditionally regarded as the most efficacious hermeneutic way to enforce the role of marriage in regulating family relationships. This well-established…

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Libertà religiosa e libero mercato. Una prima analisi degli studi di orientamento libertarian

The aim of this essay is to suggest a well-balanced reassessment of the philosophical and political movement called “Libertarianism”. Though its positions seem too aggressive regarding political economy and too weak in the defense of social rights, Libertarian authors tried to build a radical critique concerning the State and the…

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