Divorzi diversi e geografia giuridica interculturale. Il “termine” mobile del matrimonio

This essay addresses a Judgment of Divorce ruled by an Italian court (Tribunale di Padova) applying Moroccan family law—specifically, Moudawwana Articles 83 and 114. By means of a renvoi to EU Regulation n. 1259/2010, the spouses’ application for divorce benefitted from the so-called “immediate divorce” provision, namely a divorce without…

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Deontologie religiose, cultura economica e rapporti contrattuali. Riflessioni a proposito dei processi di negoziazione

While Italian and Islamic economic and legal systems may appear to be so different as to be inconsonant, recent studies in religion and economics offer a new perspective. Particularly in light of globalization trends, contractual negotiations within civil law illuminate some interesting possibilities for interaction and creative negotiation between these…

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Seconde generazioni, interazione interculturale e diritto. Percorsi d’indagine tra difficoltà e opportunità delle appartenenze “multiple”

The main purpose of this essay is to analyze the experience of the second generation of migrants to Italy from an intercultural perspective. By capturing their life plots within the wider framework of migration, the enquiry focuses on the opportunities, difficulties and significancies held within the stories they live. Both…

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Klee’s Cognitive Legacy and Human Rights as Intercultural Transducers: Modern Art, Legal Translation, and Micro-spaces of Coexistence

The essay addresses the issue concerning intercultural translation and its relationship with human rights. This matter is analyzed by taking human rights as interfaces of metaphorical intercultural “transduction” rather than as parameters to assess the lawfulness of people’s behaviors or their legal systems of belonging. Such an approach is in…

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Shylock del Bengala. Debiti migratori, vite in ostaggio e diritto d’asilo

AbstractThe essay addresses the relationships, often tragically interwoven, extant between migration debts and asylum applications. This topic is approached in a multidisciplinary way, so as to generate a convergence of legal and anthropological skillsets. The inquiry relies upon field research carried out among Bangladeshi asylum seekers in Italy.Through an intercultural…

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Abortion Inside Swedish Democracy: Paradoxical Secularizations and Unbalanced Pluralisms

Sweden has been widely recognized as one of the most modern and progressive European democracies. Swedes themselves often claim they are more democratic, progressive, and intrinsically more “freedom-loving” than other nations. The case of Ellinor Grimmark, a Swedish midwife who has been denied the possibility to conscientiously object to performing…

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Appunti ‘romanistici’ in tema di diritto interculturale. Esperienza giuridica romana, figura del iurisconsultus e funzione del notaio*

The Roman legal experience teaches us that the issues and perspectives to which today’s intercultural law is dedicated have historical ‘substantial’ precedents in the institution of jus gentium: indeed, praetor pergrinus offered concrete and effective protection to it through its iurisdictio. This aspect of ‘practical application’ was closely tied, on…

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Ubiquità planetaria nei condomini. Microspazi di convivenza, corologia interculturale e diritti umani

In quotidian life, the encounter in space is an encounter of active bodies. It does not occur in a void, but rather within a relational dimension that has been shaped by semantic chisels and interwoven with stories, narrations, and both “real” and “imaginary” recollections. These features of quotidian life are…

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Europa Unita e pluralismo euclideo. Il paradosso antropologico dell’attuale esperienza giuridica europea

The European Union was born under the sign of ‘unity in diversity’ and pluralism. Such a design with its rather oxymoronic combination of ends has so far found an institutional and procedural synthesis. From a cultural point of view, however, Europe is divided, and efforts towards anthropological translation, at least…

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Intercultural Perspectives for Lawyers and the Law. New Possibilities for Legal Education and Assistance

The essay envisages the new, possible professional perspectives that intercultural law seems to open up to young lawyers. At the crossroads between the necessity to supply legal assistance to foreigners and the current crisis that legal professionals undergo, a legal intercultural competence might provide both a way out of the…

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