Anelli dell’invisibilità, anelli del potere. Alla ricerca di un equilibrio tra sorveglianza e democrazia a partire da Platone, Tolkien e Bentham.

Today, surveillance perpetrated by a few invisible entities on a large number of citizens is a widespread practice. However, in the field of surveillance studies, this situation is perceived as a threat to the smooth functioning of democratic regimes. Through this paper, three paradigmatic figures of rings capable of granting invisibility will…

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Incontri mancati: de Vitoria e de Mariana non arrivano a Gaza

While foreign policy and international affairs are increasingly showing a new kind of worldwide tension, the legal reflections on concepts such as ‘just’ and ‘unjust’ wars seem to have attracted a deeper level of attention. The most common conclusion is that an accepted system of interstate regulation has failed to…

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City Portraits. Considerations on religious Otherness and buildings of worship between intercultural legal spaces and new semantic mappings

Starting from a study of the semiotic concept of the city as a closed text, stratified and negotiated by its inhabitants, this contribution focuses on the aedes sacrae as monument-logos that reflect the different cultural- religious identities that nowadays populate modern post-secular cities. Subsequently, moving from the phenomena of ‘spatial…

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Itinerari teorici in Maurice Hauriou tra istituzione, transazione e circolarità ermeneutica

This article aims to analyze some specific elements of Maurice Hauriou’s institutionalist theory. Dealing with Hauriou is an opportunity to discuss once again the philosophical-legal aspects that shape the backbone of traditional legal institutionalism and to reconsider the theoretical sources Hauriou may have drawn on. In the three genealogical itineraries…

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I fogli informativi delle banche italiane: tra comprensibilità e chiarezza, tra linguistica e diritto

This study is in the area of forensic linguistics that aims to make legal documents understandable, readable and complete. The starting point of this analysis is the well-known but still unresolved problem of complexity and lack of clarity of bank information sheets offered to consumers, as such stemming from the…

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Nomografie. Per un approccio grafico al diritto

This article tries to propose and exercise a graphical perspective as a critique of the theoretical normativity inherent in the philosophy of law. Philosophy of law is placed in a tradition or interweaving of graphic practices: writing, alphabet, text, grammar, etc. This ideal and potentially abysmal genealogy takes form as…

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Intangible Heritage Law and Epistemic (In)justice: The participation of communities, groups, and individuals in safeguarding ICH

Taking into consideration the enactment of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003, and the provision for the participation of communities, groups and individuals, this article aims to critically analyse the interactions between the right to intangible cultural heritage safeguard with the theory of justice, especially…

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Fides et ratio nella prospettiva della retorica giuridica

What does ‘trusting’ really mean? Is it a matter of reason or, instead, one of feeling? In discursive activity there is an unremitting interplay between logical aspects and the web of interwoven interactions that bind the parts together. As rhetorical theories emphasize, in contrast with dominant dialectical-argumentative models, this happens because being…

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C(h)orologia giuridica come struttura teoretica della filosofia del diritto di Antonio Rosmini. Criteri d’analisi e di sviluppo

Antonio Rosmini’s philosophy of law is inherently chorological. This aspect of his thought is recognizable, in particular, in the genetics of subsistent law, which is to be traced the human person, and in the ethics of formation: all of which are inscribed in the synthesis of the three forms of…

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