Digital Personhood, Time, Religion: The Right to Be Forgotten and the Legal Implications of the Soul/Body Debate

This paper addresses questions of legal personhood that have been coming to the fore in European courts in recent years through what has been termed the “Right to Be Forgotten.” These cases center around conflicts between the permanence of online information and the desire of users to instead make their…

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La krisis del Coronavirus. Una sfida inattesa per l’essere umano e le società contemporanee. Considerazioni filosofico-giuridiche

The following essay offers some legal-philosophical reflections about the current pandemic resulting from the spread of coronavirus Covid-19. These are concentrated around a few core-themes: (1) the role and of mass media and the problem of credibility; (2) the issue of cooperation among states (mostly within the EU); (3) the…

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Fede interdetta? L’esercizio della libertà religiosa collettiva durante l’emergenza COVID-19: attualità e prospettive

In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, the government and local authorities have adopted measures which restrict religious freedom. The Italian authorities have imposed urgent and binding ordinances suspending all religious ceremonies, and have limited access to places of worship. These measures are justified by an emergency decree aimed at the…

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Lo stran(ier)o imprenditore. Per una lettura interculturale dell’art. 2082 del codice civile italiano

Art. 2082 of the Italian Civil Code defines the “entrepreneur” as a person who carries out an economic activity organized for the purpose of producing or exchanging goods or services professionally. In so doing, the Civil Code describes a functional role, but leaves the “living” person apart. The Italian legislator…

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Culture, Religion, and the New Geographies of Law: Troubling Takedowns in ‘Ewa Glawischnig-Piesczek v. Facebook Ireland Ltd’

From the right to information to the right to privacy, from freedom of expression to protection from defamation, online conflicts are troubling private entities and jurists alike, particularly as the ever-increasing spread of global communications changes the meaning and impact of territories and jurisdiction. Beneath the hubbub runs a babbling…

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Quando i Greci si chiamavano Yona. L’hapax indo-greco dalle origini all’akmè con Menandro Soter. Riflessioni storiche, sociologiche e politico-giuridiche

The purpose of this essay is to outline a few historical, sociological and political-legal coordinates meant to offer a sufficiently detailed picture of the unique experience of the Indo-Greeks, from their origin to Menander I. At the borderlines of Hellenism, in an isolated but not disconnected context, the Greeks from…

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Trame evolutive e proiezioni interculturali nel diritto islamico. Precontrattualità, intersoggettività, istanze di universalizzazione

Modern contract law attempts to balance the informational and material asymmetries between contracting parties. In Western legal systems, these strategies aimed towards fairness have been effective in facilitating the circulation and the redistribution of assets. If we look at the issues brought forth by Islamic communities within non-Islamic constitutional systems,…

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