
Within the interdisciplinary project “Interculturalism: A Comparative Lexicon”, this article aims to analyse the concept of multiculturalism from an anthropological perspective. To do so, the article first focuses on the ways in which multicultural policies have been implemented in different Latin American countries, particularly with regard to indigenous peoples. It…

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Intangible Heritage Law and Epistemic (In)justice: The participation of communities, groups, and individuals in safeguarding ICH

Taking into consideration the enactment of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2003, and the provision for the participation of communities, groups and individuals, this article aims to critically analyse the interactions between the right to intangible cultural heritage safeguard with the theory of justice, especially…

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Interculturalism, a comparative lexicon. Editorial introduction.

This special issue, “Interculturalism: A Comparative Lexicon”, has emerged from an interdisciplinary collaboration of researchers involved in the Prin 2017 project, “From Legal Pluralism to the Intercultural State. Personal Law, Exceptions to General Rules and Imperative Limits in the European Legal Space”. The project further evolved at the 23rd International…

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Two wrongs don’t make one right – Memory, History and Rebalancing Actions: A Reading on ‘Cancel Culture’ through the Lens of a Restorative Approach

The following contribution focuses on how to match the lens of restorative justice with the concerns of (also structural) past imbalance, today commonly considered as forms of injustice which need to be rebalanced through a variety of measures. Nowadays these situations are considered part of history (e.g., colonialism, various forms…

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Pluralismo giuridico e storicità del diritto. Per una implementazione dell’Indice Semantico del Lessico Giuridico Italiano

This paper offers some proposals for a reasoned implementation of the IS-LeGI database. Starting from the 35,000 terms of the Lessico Giuridico Italiano (LGI) database, an index of words has been found that could be seen as a new thematic section of the IS-LeGI database. A review of the words, and therefore…

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Eracle sulle rive dell’Oxus. L’ellenismo orientale e la sfida dell’interculturalità alle origini delle ‘Vie della Seta’. Un approccio filosofico-giuridico e sociologico-politico

Engaging a multidisciplinary approach, this essay examines a  (chrono)topical moment for the development of a peculiar web of multi-layered interactions later identified by the evocative name, ‘Silk Road(s)’. We explore how this spontaneous and sporadic interaction turns into an opportunity for a political project. Our focus is the late development of Eastern Hellenism, a period of unusual vitality and transformation,…

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‘Or tu chi sei per giudicar con la veduta corta d’una spanna?’ Giudizio, premio e pena nella Divina Commedia. Una lettura diacronico-interculturale

The following contribution offers a legal-philosophical perspective on Dante Aligheri’s conception of judgement, punishment and reward in the Divine Comedy. Dante’s Commedia offers several opportunities for philosophical reflection on justice-related themes, starting from the consideration that in all the three works, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso ‘rewards and punishments’ are threatened…

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La prospettiva interculturale e la letteratura della migrazione in Italia

The Italian literature of migration offers an interesting perspective for reflection on the themes of interculturality, pluralism, but above all on the ethnographic encounter. Migrant literature creates osmotic processes with its mixture of religions, cultures and languages. Analysis of this literature reveals a defense of the rights of the individual…

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Migration, an Inescapable Demand: The Responsibility of Hosting and the Right to Hospitality

This essay investigates the problem of “citizenship” with special reference to the signs of European identity. The concept of “citizenship” is connected with “nation” and is generally understood in terms of “identity-difference.” Citizenship is also connected with “community,” in this case “European Community.” “Community” is normally invested with a restrictive…

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Intercultural Studies. Profili metodologici di una nuova disciplina

The intercultural occurs in the space between two or more distinct cultures that encounter each other, an area where meaning is translated and difference is negotiated. A systemic understanding of this highly complex process calls for interdisciplinary approaches, but scholars are often constrained by conventionalized conceptual languages of their disciplines,…

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