How Communication Technologies Remold the Religion/Human Rights Divide: Online Synergies for a Global Democratic Space

Human rights, when understood and applied interculturally, offer an interface for translating and mediating values across global diversities. Religions have long done the same, attempting to provide meaning that bridges human-to-human as well as human-to-divine relationships through a universalist ethos. Still, the two are often pitted against each other with…

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La vita eterna digitale (digital afterlife) tra diritto civile e ordinamenti religiosi

Legal systems are traditionally responsible for handling the devolution of assets following the death of a natural person (succession, inheritance). In the digital world, a universe of data relating to the deceased reverberates, managed by various providers on the basis of instructions received during the life of the subject, or…

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Matrimonio, relazioni familiari e discriminazioni di genere. Israele alla prova della secolarizzazione

Among the Western-style democracies, no other country experiences the problem of religion’s place more intensely than Israel. This is the consequence of the ambiguities inherent in the ‘Status quo agreement’, which proclaimed Israel simultaneously a ‘Jewish’ and a ‘democratic’ state. This dualism, which has given rise to a close interconnection…

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Non credo, dunque sono. Credere e non credere, ovvero due facce della stessa medaglia, in una recente ordinanza della Cassazione

This essay examines the Italian Cassation Court Ordinance of 17 April 2020 – concerning the recognition of the right to distribute publlicity (‘propaganda’) as claimed by the UAAR (Unione degli atei e degli agnostici razionalisti/Union of Atheists and Rational Agnostics), in accordance with Article 19 of the Italian Constitution. Specifically,…

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La krisis del Coronavirus. Una sfida inattesa per l’essere umano e le società contemporanee. Considerazioni filosofico-giuridiche

The following essay offers some legal-philosophical reflections about the current pandemic resulting from the spread of coronavirus Covid-19. These are concentrated around a few core-themes: (1) the role and of mass media and the problem of credibility; (2) the issue of cooperation among states (mostly within the EU); (3) the…

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Fede interdetta? L’esercizio della libertà religiosa collettiva durante l’emergenza COVID-19: attualità e prospettive

In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, the government and local authorities have adopted measures which restrict religious freedom. The Italian authorities have imposed urgent and binding ordinances suspending all religious ceremonies, and have limited access to places of worship. These measures are justified by an emergency decree aimed at the…

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Quando i Greci si chiamavano Yona. L’hapax indo-greco dalle origini all’akmè con Menandro Soter. Riflessioni storiche, sociologiche e politico-giuridiche

The purpose of this essay is to outline a few historical, sociological and political-legal coordinates meant to offer a sufficiently detailed picture of the unique experience of the Indo-Greeks, from their origin to Menander I. At the borderlines of Hellenism, in an isolated but not disconnected context, the Greeks from…

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Clashing Overpopulation(s): The Religious, the Secular, and the Unnatural “Conception” of Human Multitudes with Rights

Overpopulation is a fraught concept because it immediately involves several competing ideas. First, the primary objectives of the human race vis a vis reproduction. Second, conflicting ecological understandings of the planet and the human impact on it, and finally, complex contradictions regarding what humans can and should “do” about all…

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La recezione delle ADR nella cultura giuridica giapponese. Primi spunti di riflessione per un approccio interculturale

This paper focuses on recent Japanese law regarding alternative dispute management tools (ADR). Since ADRs are tools born within American legal culture, their introduction in Japan constitutes a specific case of legal transplant, with significant consequences in terms of acceptance by the receiving legal system. The relative lack of litigation…

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