Giustificati motivi per essere madre (?). Per una lettura interculturale di maternità, lavoro e appartenenza religiosa

This essay addresses the issue of motherhood in workplaces from the somewhat novel perspective of the effective enjoyment of religious freedom. The argumentative axis of the considerations proposed here is an attempt to show how the widespread and almost tangible failure of the employment law policies, variously designed to close…

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I multiformi confini dell’esperienza matrimoniale e familiare. Gli orizzonti cultuali e culturali dei New Religious Movements

The essay addresses marriage and related family dynamics within three new religious movements: Bahá’í, the Unification Church, and Scientology. For each of the three religious groups, an overview necessary for understanding the norms and reasons behind some definitely unique cult practices related to the celebration of marriage has been provided….

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La concezione matrimoniale nelle culture religiose di origine indiana. Civiltà giuridiche e modelli familiari alla prova del tempo

The bond between marriage and religion is common to every culture and does not fail to produce legal effects, first and foremost within the very religious laws that usually give it central relevance. If such an observation is well-established for the religious denominations prevalent or best known in the West,…

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Halal, haram e la bussola del cibo tra Malesia e Italia. Alimentarsi secondo l’Islam nel mondo globalizzato

The growth of the Muslim population affects the strategies of economic actors in the process of producing and marketing goods and services. They have used religious signs and symbols within brands in order to retain more consumers-faithful. At the same time, the production of goods and services that conform to…

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Damanhur e il lavoro senz’anima. Il lavoro prestato dai “damanhur” in favore della Comunità è pratica devozionale o lavoro subordinato?

The Italian legal system presumes that any kind of work activity performed be renumerated, but it does not exclude the possibility that some work activities are carried out for reasons of “affection or benevolence”. Those who claim for an exception based on the atypical nature of the employment relationship must…

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Fenomenologia del sacro e filogenesi del soggetto di diritto. Sui sentieri antropologico-culturali della capacità giuridica

This essay analyzes the genetic paths of Western legal subjectivity within the semantic spectrum of legal capacity. In turn, the historical transfigurations of legal capacity are traced by probing their phylogenetic connections—as it were—with the phenomenology of the sacred. To this end, the investigation unfolds through three basic articulations: a)…

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Il ritmo giuridico delle processioni religiose. Riflessioni critiche a margine di una recente e ancipite sentenza in materia di turbatio sacrorum (Cass. pen., III, 2242/2022)

Article 405 of Italian Criminal Code penalizes the volunteer disruption or prevention of religious services, ceremonies or practices performed by a religious minister in a place of worship or in a public open place open to the public. The Italian Supreme Court of Cassation, with an innovative ruling, qualified as…

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Multisensorialità, Religione, Diritto. Nuove frontiere di valorizzazione del patrimonio culturale ravennate

Starting from an examination of the political-theological meanings of Ravenna mosaics, in the light of that fruitful liaison between faith and art that embellishes the texture of some significant magisterial pronouncements, this contribution will first examine art. 6 of the Urbani Code, highlighting how the use of modern digital tools…

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