ADR, valori ebraici e interfacce di traduzione tra universi di giustizia. Giudici, avvocati e uso interculturale degli strumenti processuali

The hypertrophic growth of legal litigation has slowed Italian justice, increasing the risk of ineffectiveness of the law. This phenomenon has been opposed, in counter-reaction, by a cultural change which has resulted in the implementation of several conciliatory remedies, particularly in civil litigation law. The importance of these remedies, however,…

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Universalità dei Diritti Umani. Un chiasmo dialettico tra matrici di senso e concetto?

This contribution addresses the fascinating but ‘difficult issue’ of human rights. More specifically, theleitmotiv of the overall essay is the (potential) universality of human rights. In this respect, the relationshipbetween human rights and fundamental rights is investigated in the first place. The next step coincides with theassessment of the possible…

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L’ambigua globalità. Il diritto come medium tra le asimmetriche geografie della salute e l’efficacia planetaria dei brevetti anti-CoViD

The development of a panoply of effective vaccines against Sars-Cov-2, formulated in record time and unprecedented in the history of pharmacopeia, has not furnished the desired barrier against the spread of the pandemic. In fact, the struggle to combat CoViD-19 is characterised by opposing sides. On one side there are…

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‘Or tu chi sei per giudicar con la veduta corta d’una spanna?’ Giudizio, premio e pena nella Divina Commedia. Una lettura diacronico-interculturale

The following contribution offers a legal-philosophical perspective on Dante Aligheri’s conception of judgement, punishment and reward in the Divine Comedy. Dante’s Commedia offers several opportunities for philosophical reflection on justice-related themes, starting from the consideration that in all the three works, Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso ‘rewards and punishments’ are threatened…

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Un’analisi comparata dell’associazionismo sovranazionale. Modelli d’alleanze intra-UE e partenariati di vicinato

The contribution compares the main intra-EU alliances, partnerships, and overall EU region with that of African and Asian countries of the Mediterranean area. Differing geopolitical frameworks based on the national or supranational regulatory models in force result in very different outcomes for the associations. Having recognized the success of the…

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La prospettiva interculturale e la letteratura della migrazione in Italia

The Italian literature of migration offers an interesting perspective for reflection on the themes of interculturality, pluralism, but above all on the ethnographic encounter. Migrant literature creates osmotic processes with its mixture of religions, cultures and languages. Analysis of this literature reveals a defense of the rights of the individual…

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La lingua del diritto e i mutamenti sociali e culturali. Un’analisi sul termine ‘cittadinanza’

This paper investigates the changing and varied meanings of the term ‘citizenship’ over time based on an analysis of resources culled from a legal database containing both historical and contemporary juridical documents. We have analysed the semantic evolution of the concept of citizenship using legal language as the central point…

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Osservatori e spettatori. Parte II: Primi lineamenti di una teoria dello spettatore giuridico

This paper traces possible theoretical outlines for the figure of the legal spectator. Engaging a multidisciplinary methodology, the analysis pivots on two types of semiotic circuits. Both demonstrate how the category ‘spectator’ is today a privileged patterns of subjectivity in order to analyze both the figure of the citizen and…

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Il diritto difettivo e difettoso. Per una lettura apofatica del dire giuridico

Today, law permeates and codifies almost all human action. Where there is human action, there is generally a way of doing it according to the law. The law therefore claims to be all-inclusive and passes off itself as an omnipresent and almost omnipotent social device, the content of which everyone…

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