Trame evolutive e proiezioni interculturali nel diritto islamico. Precontrattualità, intersoggettività, istanze di universalizzazione

Modern contract law attempts to balance the informational and material asymmetries between contracting parties. In Western legal systems, these strategies aimed towards fairness have been effective in facilitating the circulation and the redistribution of assets. If we look at the issues brought forth by Islamic communities within non-Islamic constitutional systems,…

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Liturgie della città. Spazi urbani e proiezioni pubbliche della pluralità religiosa

The essay focuses on the centrality of spatial factors towards an adequate understanding of social relations in today’s plural societies, especially with regard to urban spaces, where the coexistence of culturally and religiously diverse social actors is concentrated. This coexistence favors the transformation of modern secular cities into global liturgical…

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Children in Tatters across the Earth: Intercountry Adoptions, Intercultural Discriminations

The essay focuses on a different perspective of the child in the assessment of her/his best interests regarding the practice of international adoption. Specifically, it will be argued that the child who is the object of adoption should be understood in terms of his/her ‘relational being,’ rather than as an…

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La regola di maggioranza tra matrici religiose e declinazioni culturali. Un approccio interculturale alla disciplina giuridica del fenomeno associativo: tradizione canonistica e tradizione islamica nello specchio del diritto italiano

The paper addresses and weighs the possibilities and usefulness of an intercultural approach to the associative phenomenon, particularly within the context of majority rule. It focuses on the cultural and religious matrices underlying majority rule as they are deduced from its historical and functional origin and from its legal experience….

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Corpo e differenza culturale. I. L’articolo 5 del codice civile italiano nello specchio della tradizione giuridica occidentale

This paper offers the first partial result of a two-person research project which attempts to combine a comparative and economic analysis of law with an intercultural law approach. The paper focuses on Article 5 of the Italian civil code which governs the dispositions of the human body and considers it…

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Le comunità intenzionali e i dilemmi della giuridificazione. Un approccio interculturale al riconoscimento normativo dell’identità comunitaria

Intentional communities are voluntary residential communities designed to actualize forms of daily living and ways of sharing that had been thought lost to modern societies. Despite their growing popularity, in most legal orders they do not yet have legal rights. Though these communities often demonstrate a natural tendency to close…

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Filiazione, storia e cultura. Per un’analisi retrospettiva delle relazioni interculturali fra tradizione giuridica canonistica e diritto civile italiano in materia di famiglia

The aim of this essay is to analyze the topic of filiation considering both canonical and Italian private law perspectives. The distinction of differing types and categories of filiation is traditionally regarded as the most efficacious hermeneutic way to enforce the role of marriage in regulating family relationships. This well-established…

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Knowing How to “Make” Intercultural Diplomacy

Intercultural Diplomacy embodies the richest part of the possibilities offered by international relations (public and private) through dialogue, kind assertiveness, and truthfulness. It means identifying potential syntheses between different cultures and working together with the aim of rediscovering oneself in the Other, living purposefully in the Other, accepting oneself and…

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Analisi gius-economica degli strumenti rimediali da inadempimento contrattuale

This paper presents the results of a concise investigation of remedies available for breach of contract, making use of the Economic Analysis of Law (EAL). An exemplar is also provided of EAL’s functional potentialities as a research tool for intercultural law. The prevalence of multiculturalism in today’s global social-economic experience…

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Saper fare diplomazia interculturale

Intercultural Diplomacy embodies the richest part of the possibilities offered by international relations (public and private) through dialogue, kind assertiveness, and truthfulness. It means identifying potential syntheses between different cultures and working together with the aim of rediscovering oneself in the Other, living purposefully in the Other, accepting oneself and…

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