Abitare il sacro e diritto alla città. Percorsi di costruzione della soggettività giuridica: da clandestini a cittadini attraverso le chiese cristiano-ortodosse

This essay offers an interdisciplinary analysis that investigates the connections between religious freedom, the regulation of places of worship, migration phenomena also in relation to the experience of work, and the protection of fundamental personal rights. All of these are analyzed focusing on the processes of the construction of legal…

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The Inescapable Radiality of Food and the Impossibility of Environmental ‘Restoration’

Though issues such as climate change, environmental protection and food security are often siloed in academic and political discussions, this essay moves from the premise that it is not meaningful to treat them as separate categories. Using the recently passed EU “Nature Restoration Law” as a springboard, the argument will…

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Un ambiente ‘preterintenzionale’? Radici del dualismo soggettivo/oggettivo nella transizione ecologica europea (Un’indagine etno-giuridica nell’immaginario ortodosso della Romania rurale)

This study explores the role of intention as a pivotal principle in the perception and application of concepts such as ‘justice’ and ‘sustainability’ within rural communities during the European energy transition. Through an ethnographic survey I personally conducted in 2023 among Christian Orthodox communities in rural Romania, I investigated the…

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“Sumer, la tua giusta sapienza, in cui gli dèi furono generati, è inattingibile come il cielo”. Il millennio sumerico: l’invenzione della scrittura e la seconda demiurgia

Since the beginning of its history, Mesopotamia has been a multilingual (bilingual from a literary point of view) and multicultural land. Despite its long life as well as the several linguistic and cultural differences swarming inside it, the Mesopotamian civilization was made homogeneous by the persistence of its writing system…

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The right to access to essential goods and the sub-Saharan Africa’s courts: A comparative outlook

The paper is aimed at outlining some trends in the legal enforcement of the right to access to essential goods in sub-Saharan Africa, through the analysis of some judicial decisions issued during the early stage of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The analysis is framed within the assessment of some general evolutions…

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Homo Religiosus in a Globalized World. Why Religious Individuals are Actors of Global Law

Religious institutions are players of transnational dynamics and influence the transformations of law, at a global level. Moreover, some worldwide religions gave rise to legal systems (Canon Law, Jewish Law, Islamic Law, Hindu Law, etc.) that interacted (and continue to interact) with the secular law of the states. Taking into…

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La ‘Scienza Nuova’ della robotica sociale interculturale. Metodo retorico, diritto ‘sintetico’ e disabilità-dolore

The article proposes a different way of thinking about the relationship between social robotics and law, starting from Dumouchel’s theory of emotions and his analysis of human interactions. The original social and constructivist dimension of emotions is linked to affective neuroscience and to the theory of mirror neurons, to then…

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Osservatori e spettatori. Parte I: Crisi e metamorfosi della soggettività giuridica

During the twentieth century, the state founded on constitutional law was the form of organization that best ensured the participation of citizens in the construction of the legal discourse. This model also ensured the respect of a wide range of constitutionally guaranteed principles and values. In this model, the theory…

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Overpopulation and Sacred Law: The Wisdom of Islam and the Demographic Politics of Islamic Republic of Iran

Overpopulation is one of the most serious issues impacting both the present day and the future. It is closely connected to ecological perspectives on human life on Earth. However, the “reproductive mission” of humankind has constituted a biological and moral imperative in all cultures and especially in the Abrahamic monotheisms…

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