Shylock del Bengala. Debiti migratori, vite in ostaggio e diritto d’asilo

AbstractThe essay addresses the relationships, often tragically interwoven, extant between migration debts and asylum applications. This topic is approached in a multidisciplinary way, so as to generate a convergence of legal and anthropological skillsets. The inquiry relies upon field research carried out among Bangladeshi asylum seekers in Italy.Through an intercultural…

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Insights on Divine (Islamic) Law: Islamophobia versus Terrorism, Death Penalty, and Transitional Justice

The Islamic religious frontrunners contended that the attitude of Muslims is in contradiction of graven metaphors of any religious figure, including Moses, Jesus, the Prophet of Islam among others, but it is also one of the foremost basics of Islam not to commit violence or attacks, as these obsessive assassins…

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Abortion Inside Swedish Democracy: Paradoxical Secularizations and Unbalanced Pluralisms

Sweden has been widely recognized as one of the most modern and progressive European democracies. Swedes themselves often claim they are more democratic, progressive, and intrinsically more “freedom-loving” than other nations. The case of Ellinor Grimmark, a Swedish midwife who has been denied the possibility to conscientiously object to performing…

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Satira, tutela del sentimento religioso e libertà di espressione. Una sfida per le moderne democrazie

The concepts of blasphemy and sacrilege have traditionally been etymologically related to religious vocabulary. In the current language of secularized contemporary societies it would be preferable to term them as provocation, incitement to hatred, insult. The tangled relationship between disrespect and freedom of expression must therefore be renewed. The issues…

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Law, Religions and Food Choices

In today’s multicultural society, religious freedom must also be guaranteed within food-use patterns. The Milan Charter (Expo 2015) focuses specifically on this issue. Each person has the right to determine his diet according to his lifestyle and his cultural and religious identity. The right to feed oneself according to one’s…

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Appunti ‘romanistici’ in tema di diritto interculturale. Esperienza giuridica romana, figura del iurisconsultus e funzione del notaio*

The Roman legal experience teaches us that the issues and perspectives to which today’s intercultural law is dedicated have historical ‘substantial’ precedents in the institution of jus gentium: indeed, praetor pergrinus offered concrete and effective protection to it through its iurisdictio. This aspect of ‘practical application’ was closely tied, on…

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Intercultural Studies. Profili metodologici di una nuova disciplina

The intercultural occurs in the space between two or more distinct cultures that encounter each other, an area where meaning is translated and difference is negotiated. A systemic understanding of this highly complex process calls for interdisciplinary approaches, but scholars are often constrained by conventionalized conceptual languages of their disciplines,…

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