Osservatori e spettatori. Parte I: Crisi e metamorfosi della soggettività giuridica

During the twentieth century, the state founded on constitutional law was the form of organization that best ensured the participation of citizens in the construction of the legal discourse. This model also ensured the respect of a wide range of constitutionally guaranteed principles and values. In this model, the theory…

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Il diritto a imparare il diritto. Cultura della cittadinanza e istruzione giuridica nelle scuole superiori

The pandemic has mercilessly highlighted deficits in Italian high schools, but it has been a long time since students, teachers, school staff and other stakeholders asked for decisive innovation. In this paper, this drive for change will be studied in terms of renovation in light of the fundamental axes of…

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Digital Personhood, Time, Religion: The Right to Be Forgotten and the Legal Implications of the Soul/Body Debate

This paper addresses questions of legal personhood that have been coming to the fore in European courts in recent years through what has been termed the “Right to Be Forgotten.” These cases center around conflicts between the permanence of online information and the desire of users to instead make their…

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La krisis del Coronavirus. Una sfida inattesa per l’essere umano e le società contemporanee. Considerazioni filosofico-giuridiche

The following essay offers some legal-philosophical reflections about the current pandemic resulting from the spread of coronavirus Covid-19. These are concentrated around a few core-themes: (1) the role and of mass media and the problem of credibility; (2) the issue of cooperation among states (mostly within the EU); (3) the…

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Fede interdetta? L’esercizio della libertà religiosa collettiva durante l’emergenza COVID-19: attualità e prospettive

In response to the Covid-19 epidemic, the government and local authorities have adopted measures which restrict religious freedom. The Italian authorities have imposed urgent and binding ordinances suspending all religious ceremonies, and have limited access to places of worship. These measures are justified by an emergency decree aimed at the…

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Lo stran(ier)o imprenditore. Per una lettura interculturale dell’art. 2082 del codice civile italiano

Art. 2082 of the Italian Civil Code defines the “entrepreneur” as a person who carries out an economic activity organized for the purpose of producing or exchanging goods or services professionally. In so doing, the Civil Code describes a functional role, but leaves the “living” person apart. The Italian legislator…

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