Abitare il sacro e diritto alla città. Percorsi di costruzione della soggettività giuridica: da clandestini a cittadini attraverso le chiese cristiano-ortodosse

Il presente contributo si configura come un’analisi interdisciplinare volta a indagare le connessioni tra la libertà religiosa, la regolamentazione dei luoghi di culto, i fenomeni migratori in rapporto anche all’esperienza del lavoro e la tutela dei diritti fondamentali degli esseri umani, con particolare riferimento ai processi di costruzione della soggettività…


Un ambiente ‘preterintenzionale’? Radici del dualismo soggettivo/oggettivo nella transizione ecologica europea (Un’indagine etno-giuridica nell’immaginario ortodosso della Romania rurale)

Il presente studio esplora il ruolo dell’intenzione come principio cardine nella percezione e nell’applicazione di concetti come ‘giustizia’ e ‘sostenibilità’ all’interno delle comunità rurali all’epoca della transizione energetica europea. Attraverso un’indagine etnografica condotta personalmente nel 2023 fra le comunità cristiano- ortodosse nel territorio rurale romeno, ho investigato le sfide connesse…


Ritratti di città. Considerazioni sull’Alterità religiosa e gli edifici di culto tra spazi giuridici interculturali e inedite mappature semantiche

Prendendo le mosse da uno studio del concetto semiotico di città quale testo chiuso, stratificato e negoziato dai suoi abitanti, il presente contributo si sofferma sulle aedes sacrae come monumenti-logo che riflettono le differenti identità cultural-religiose che oggigiorno popolano le moderne società post-secolari. In seguito, muovendo dai fenomeni di ‘competizione…


Interculturalism: understanding the concept from a comparative perspective

The research analyses the prescriptive use of the term ‘interculturalism’ in the legal sciences, with the dual purpose of understanding: 1) how its content is indebted to theoretical elaborations from other sciences; 2) in a comparative perspective, whether interculturalism has a uniform application in the different legal systems in which…


From the Ottoman Millet to Neo-milletism: Israel and Lebanon in Comparison

The proposed article introduces the main features of the millet system of personal laws, which is considered the most emblematic and oldest example of personal federalism adopted by the Ottoman Empire and maintained, in different forms, in some contemporary States. The first part of the contribution outlines the origin of…


Intercultural Health

This contribution investigates the meaning of ‘intercultural health’ through an analysis of the contexts in which this definition emerges. In particular, three areas are analyzed: that of indigenous communities, that of migrants and refugees and the more general context of therapeutic choices determined by cultural values. A final part of…


The Multicultural State: Hypothesis for Framing a Concept

The contribution focuses on framings of the concept of the multicultural state. Only in recent times have certain questions prompted a re-thinking of previous definitions of the dogmatic category of state. The difficulty of tracing practical aspects back to theoretical models has led to seeing the multicultural state as an…


Intercultural Education: What Is Called for? A Comparison of European and Latin-America Experiences

Intercultural education policy has emerged as an alternative to both assimilationism and multiculturalism. While multiculturalism emphasizes the cultural identity of social groups, somehow crystallizing their characteristics, interculturalism is based on a different understanding: it favors mutual dialogue and it assumes that the cultural identity of an individual cannot be equated…


Towards a Different Understanding of Legal Traditions. Comparative Law Insights

In the legal field, the definition of the term ‘tradition’ suffers from heterogeneous understandings. These epistemological difficulties hint at one of the determinants of the definition of ‘legal tradition’, namely, an appeal to predominantly endogenous cultural aspects and not purely legal forms of legitimacy in the narrow sense. ‘Tradition’ and…



Within the interdisciplinary project “Interculturalism: A Comparative Lexicon”, this article aims to analyse the concept of multiculturalism from an anthropological perspective. To do so, the article first focuses on the ways in which multicultural policies have been implemented in different Latin American countries, particularly with regard to indigenous peoples. It…
