Fenomenologia del sacro e filogenesi del soggetto di diritto. Sui sentieri antropologico-culturali della capacità giuridica

This essay analyzes the genetic paths of Western legal subjectivity within the semantic spectrum of legal capacity. In turn, the historical transfigurations of legal capacity are traced by probing their phylogenetic connections—as it were—with the phenomenology of the sacred. To this end, the investigation unfolds through three basic articulations: a)…

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Two wrongs don’t make one right – Memory, History and Rebalancing Actions: A Reading on ‘Cancel Culture’ through the Lens of a Restorative Approach

The following contribution focuses on how to match the lens of restorative justice with the concerns of (also structural) past imbalance, today commonly considered as forms of injustice which need to be rebalanced through a variety of measures. Nowadays these situations are considered part of history (e.g., colonialism, various forms…

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Pluralismo giuridico e storicità del diritto. Per una implementazione dell’Indice Semantico del Lessico Giuridico Italiano

This paper offers some proposals for a reasoned implementation of the IS-LeGI database. Starting from the 35,000 terms of the Lessico Giuridico Italiano (LGI) database, an index of words has been found that could be seen as a new thematic section of the IS-LeGI database. A review of the words, and therefore…

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Verità digitale. Dalle fake news all’alfabetismo informativo

The paper illustrates the relationship between fake news, critical thinking and digital literacy and offers some reflections on the illusory effect of truth generated by misinformation in today’s digital platform society. In the second part, the contribution identifies technological solutions to address digital and functional illiteracy through a new civic…

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Il diritto o il Paradiso? Un dialogo con Tommaso Greco sulla generatività della fiducia e sul significato pro-fattivo del diritto

The essay addresses the issue of trust across the spectrum, as it were, of a recent book focusing on the role of trust in public life and, allegedly, within the legal experience. Using ‘trust’ as a sort of keyhole through which to take an oblique look at legal experience and…

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Futile Otherness: Religion and Culture vs. Futile Motives in Criminal Law

Within Italian criminal law, the category of motive entitled motivi futili, or futile motives, is used as an evaluation standard in determining an increase in the severity of a penalty for a crime committed, not unlike the designation ‘aggravated’ in common law systems. An application of the penalty means that…

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Universalità dei Diritti Umani. Un chiasmo dialettico tra matrici di senso e concetto?

This contribution addresses the fascinating but ‘difficult issue’ of human rights. More specifically, theleitmotiv of the overall essay is the (potential) universality of human rights. In this respect, the relationshipbetween human rights and fundamental rights is investigated in the first place. The next step coincides with theassessment of the possible…

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L’ambigua globalità. Il diritto come medium tra le asimmetriche geografie della salute e l’efficacia planetaria dei brevetti anti-CoViD

The development of a panoply of effective vaccines against Sars-Cov-2, formulated in record time and unprecedented in the history of pharmacopeia, has not furnished the desired barrier against the spread of the pandemic. In fact, the struggle to combat CoViD-19 is characterised by opposing sides. On one side there are…

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